The ex- students of CAM have made a mark for themselves in most of the sub-sectors of agribusiness – agri-inputs, agri-output, agricultural & rural finance, banking & insurance, domestic & international trade, commodity futures trading, marketing research, consultancy, organized retail, collateral management, warehousing, contract farming, food processing, veterinary biological, poultry & livestock etc. Functionally, we have made a mark in all the major disciplines of management – sales, marketing, procurement, production and processing, supply chain management, market research, strategy, human resources – in various organizations, at various levels. Some of us are already in the higher league, waiting to enter the corner room. The desire to be on their own has given rise to a few entrepreneurs also. We also have in our midst a few who are on their way to become professors, while there are others who have chosen to work in the development sector. We believe that a learning attitude, keeping abreast of the developments in the industry and honing our skills regularly is the key to excel in our field. We attribute our success and achievements to our professors and to our mentors in the corporate world.
Aims & Objectives
- To give an opportunity to create a link between the alumini, staff and students of the Institute.
- To facilitate the alumini to involve themselves in activities which would contribute to the general improvement of the institute.
- To remain the alumini alongside each other of management developments of national importance.
- To support the alumni with their industrial troubles.
- To introduce prizes and scholarships, and provide financial aid to deserving students of the Institute.
- To donate towards the welfare of the alumni.